Top "Contextmanager" questions

A python context manager manages the context of a with statement.

Create a "with" block on several context managers?

Suppose you have three objects you acquire via context manager, for instance A lock, a db connection and an ip …

python with-statement contextmanager
File open and close in python

I have read that when file is opened using the below format with open(filename) as f: #My Code f.…

python file with-statement contextmanager
StringIO and compatibility with 'with' statement (context manager)

I have some legacy code with a legacy function that takes a filename as an argument and processes the file …

python python-2.x with-statement contextmanager
Asynchronous context manager

I have an asynchronous API which I'm using to connect and send mail to an SMTP server which has some …

python asynchronous contextmanager
Handling exceptions inside context managers

I have some code where I try to reach a resource but sometimes it is unavailable, and results in an …

python exception contextmanager
__init__ vs __enter__ in context managers

As far as I understand, __init__() and __enter__() methods of the context manager are called exactly once each, one after …

python python-3.x contextmanager
Python Multiprocessing Lib Error (AttributeError: __exit__)

Am getting this error when using the, iterable): AttributeError: __exit__ No Explanation, only stack trace to the …

python multiprocessing pickle with-statement contextmanager
How to use socket in Python as a context manager?

It seems like it would be only natural to do something like: with socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) …

python sockets contextmanager
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.TextIOWrapper

I am trying to open, read, modify, and close a json file using the example here: How to add a …

python json file contextmanager
Catching exception in context manager __enter__()

Is it possible to ensure the __exit__() method is called even if there is an exception in __enter__()? >>&…

python exception python-2.7 with-statement contextmanager