A Content Management System (CMS) is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users.
On my first job interview, I was asked why did I build my own CMS? Why not to use one …
content-management-system buildingWe've got a CMS system written in .NET C#. This system has editing facilities for templates (essentially HTML files) and …
c# .net content-management-system webdavcan anybody explain to me, how to proceed in following scenario ? receiving documents (MS docs, ODS, PDF) Dublic core metadata …
java content-management-system metadata jackrabbitI'm planning to build a website that will be a simple CMS where users submit and view postings with videos, …
ruby-on-rails ruby content-management-system ruby-enterprise-editionI'm working on a client site who is using Umbraco as a CMS. I need to create a custom 404 error …
c# asp.net content-management-system umbracoI have two apps that I'm trying to unify. One was written by me and another is a CMS I …
php content-management-system session single-sign-onMy breadcrumbs are broken because of incorrect link to home page. Please tell me, how can I change the "Link …
content-management-system umbracoHow do you impliment a hook system in a PHP application to change the code before or after it executes. …
php plugins module content-management-system hookI want to do mobile app (let's say it will be like ebook with some improvements) which content should be …
android ios content-management-system mobile-application hybrid-mobile-appCan anyone recommend a simple, lightweight CMS gem or plugin for Rails 3 that can easily be embedded into an existing …
plugins content-management-system ruby-on-rails-3 gem