Top "Building" questions

Building is the process by which source code is converted into executable object code.

Building lxml for Python 2.7 on Windows

I am trying to build lxml for Python 2.7 on Windows 64 bit machine. I couldn't find lxml egg for Python 2.7 version. …

python windows lxml building python-c-extension
Android APK path is not specified for module

I have a problem. When i try to launch my project i've got error : "ERROR: APK path is not specified …

android intellij-idea android-studio building
Build an ear using maven

I am new with maven, i have a task to change building of an ear from ant build to maven …

java maven-2 building maven-ear-plugin
Clang and LLVM - Release vs Debug builds

It seems like a simple question, but it's taking a lot of time to figure out... In the instructions for …

debugging configuration clang llvm building
How to change the amount of building threads in Xcode?

I'm building a couple of C++ files in xcode that take a lot of memory to compile (+1 GB / file). Because …

c++ multithreading xcode compilation building
Android Studio is installing old apk on device

I am developing an Android app using Android Studio (0.89 Build #AI-135.1404660, Built on Sept 3,2014) using both emulator and Nexus 4 device. …

android-studio building nexus-4
JavaFX2 FXML how to add elements (e.g. Buttons) dynamically

So, what I want to do is, creating a custom element by using fxml and then add a couple of …

instance javafx-2 building fxml
How do I resolve error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 3?

I am getting the following error when building my code: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.…

c++ visual-studio building custom-build-step custom-build
jquery url builder/parser

I'm searching for a jquery plugin for full URL manipulation (parsing, building). Example: var url = '' …

javascript jquery parsing url building
Visual Studio will not give me the platform option of 64 bit in configuration manager..?

I am currently trying to build a project for a 64 bit computer, but the configuration manager doesn't list 64 bit as …

c++ visual-studio-2010 64-bit configurationmanager building