Top "Containers" questions

A container is a class, a data structure, or an abstract data type whose instances are collections of other objects.

Looking for jQuery plugin - flyout block

I'm looking for a jQuery plugin, which could create a flyout of a container from left or right side of …

jquery jquery-plugins containers flyout
Copying files with execute permissions in Docker Image

Seems like a basic issue but couldnt find any answers so far .. When using ADD / COPY in Dockerfile and running …

docker containers dockerfile bitbucket bitbucket-server
Why is a shell within a docker container showing dmesg content from the host?

I have a docker container running Debian jessie on Ubuntu yakkety. When within the docker (connected via ssh for instance) …

docker containers privileges elevated-privileges
Are there any disadvantages to using Bitnami vs a native server stack?

I have read about the advantages of using a BitNami stack for LAMP development, now I am wondering if there …

containers devops lamp bitnami lemp
kubernetes jobs init container

I've created a JOB pod with 2 INIT containers At pod creation, my job completed successfully but no sign of the …

kubernetes containers jobs init kubernetes-jobs
'Multipurpose' linked list implementation in pure C

This is not exactly a technical question, since I know C kind of enough to do the things I need …

c linked-list containers generic-programming
How do I create a docker machine with a specific URL using docker-machine and VirtualBox?

I can create a Docker instance with the VirtualBox driver, but I cannot figure out how to specify the URL. …

docker virtual-machine containers virtualbox docker-machine
Why STL containers are preferred over MFC containers?

Previously, I used to use MFC collection classes such CArray and CMap. After a while I switched to STL containers …

c++ mfc stl containers
What's the difference between Google's Borg and Google's Kubernetes and Docker

As I know, Google's Kubernetes is based on Google's Borg; however, it seems like Borg is larger than Kubernetes. My …

docker containers kubernetes google-kubernetes-engine
How to assign a name to running container in docker?

I have created container from particular image using command: $ docker run -d -P selenium/hub running container status is below: $ …

linux docker containers boot2docker