A constraint is a condition that has to be fulfilled in a given context.
The command "pragma table_info('tablename')" lists the columns information and "pragma foreign_key_list('tablename')" the foreign keys. How …
sqlite list constraints pragmaI have a database running under Sql server 2005 with merge replication. I want to change some of the FK columns …
sql-server sql-server-2005 constraints ssms merge-replicationCan anyone give a clear explain of these 3 concept? What's the difference and how to use them?
qt size constraints hintI've been struggling to make priority on constraints work programmatically in swift. My goal is to have the meetingFormView no …
swift constraints programmaticallyI've got this method in Android: public void insertarTitulo(String _id, String title, String url){ ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.…
android sqlite exception handle constraintsIn Maya, I have a list of constraints gathered by the following code. I want to iterate the constraints and …
python 3d constraints maya melAs u expect I have got problem with GETDATE in DEFAULT constraint on some tables in SQL Server 2012. I have …
sql sql-server constraints getdateDoes select * into B from A also copy constraints of A on B ? If not, then how can I copy …
sql sql-server select constraints select-intoI’m using Rails 4.2.3 and a PostgreSQL database. I want to write a migration to update one of my foreign …
ruby-on-rails-4 foreign-keys migration constraints cascadeI was checking list of available constraints in javax.validation package and I noticed that there is an annotation @Null …
jakarta-ee constraints bean-validation