How to use const in verilog

user478571 picture user478571 · May 1, 2011 · Viewed 40.2k times · Source

Instead of using

module ... ( .. )  ;


I want use

module ... ( ... ) ;
 // GateDelay is a const, like in c language const int GateDelay = 15 ;
 # GateDelay     


Or same thing

module ... ( ... ) ;
 // assume Wordsize is defined at " define Wordsize 15 "
 reg [ Wordsize -1 : 0 ] mem ;


Can I do that wish in verilog ?


Marty picture Marty · May 1, 2011

You've a few options :

  • Macros with `defines
  • parameters
  • localparams

Here's a small example with them all.

`define CONSTANT_MACRO 1          /* important: no ';' here */
module mymodule
    #( parameter WIDTH = 5 )
      input wire [WIDTH-1:0] in_a,
      output wire [WIDTH-1:0] out_a

    localparam CONSTANT_LOCAL = 2;

    assign out_a = in_a + `CONSTANT_MACRO - CONSTANT_LOCAL;
