Top "Cons" questions

What does "my other car is a cdr" mean?

Can anyone well versed in lisp explain this joke to me? I've done some reading on functional programming languages and …

lisp cons cdr
What's the difference between `::` and `+:` for prepending to a list)?

List has 2 methods that are specified to prepend an element to an (immutable) list: +: (implementing Seq.+:), and :: (defined only in …

list scala operators prepend cons
Kotlin prepend element

I am searching for Kotlin alternative to: (cons 1 '(2 3)) in lisp or 1 : [2, 3] in haskell or 1 :: List(2, 3) in scala, (which all …

list insert kotlin prepend cons
Understanding infix method call and cons operator(::) in Scala

I'm quite new to Scala programming language, and was trying something out stucked in my mind while I was following …

list scala operator-keyword infix-notation cons
OCaml cons (::) operator?

In OCaml, is there a way to refer to the cons operator by itself? For example, I can use (+) and ( * ) …

ocaml cons
CAS vs Okta Vs Keycloak comparisions as an SSO solution

Which is the best option for SSO implementation Keycloack Vs CAS Vs Okta? I'm specifically looking for the disadvantages of …

single-sign-on keycloak cas okta cons
Is an empty list in Lisp built from a cons cell?

I'm trying to emulate Lisp-like list in JavaScript (just an exercise with no practical reason), but I'm struggling to figure …

lisp null cons
Cons element to list vs cons list to element in Scheme

What's the difference between using cons to combine an element to a list and using cons to combine a list …

list lisp scheme cons
How does "Cons" work in Lisp?

I was studying Lisp and I am not experienced in Lisp programming. In a part of my studies I encountered …

lisp common-lisp cons
LISP cons in python

Is there an equivalent of cons in Python? (any version above 2.5) If so, is it built in? Or do I …

python lisp cons