Top "Connection-timeout" questions

When a process attempts to connect to a remote service, and fails to do so after a predetermined period of time.

Help troubleshooting SqlException: Timeout expired on connection, in a non-load situation

I have a server hosting a website of mine that has almost zero-traffic. A few people (< 20) enter the site …

sql-server-2008 timeout connection connection-timeout
MySqlException: Timeout expired - Increasing Connection Timeout Has Had No Effect

I have a query that is taking longer to execute as the database increases in size. The query is optimized …

c# mysql connection-timeout
Oracle Data Provider for .NET: Connection request timed out

We have a C# WCF web service hosted on Windows 2008 SP2/IIS 7 accessing an Oracle database. Usually data access works …

c# oracle wcf timeout connection-timeout
Using sping's restTemplate with a timeout, how do I detect a timeout?

I've initialized my restTemplate as follows: HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(httpClient); requestFactory.setConnectTimeout(1000); requestFactory.setReadTimeout(1000); …

java spring-boot timeout resttemplate connection-timeout
How to fix FastCGI timeout issues in Plesk?

PHP support is currently set to: run as Fast CGI. I keep getting these errors in my server log: mod_…

php centos fastcgi plesk connection-timeout
how to set connection/request timeout for jetty server?

I'm running an embedded jetty server (jetty 6.1.24) inside my application like this: Handler handler=new AbstractHandler() { @Override public void handle(…

jetty embedded-jetty connection-timeout
How to set a connection timeout on the MySQL JDBC driver?

I'm seeing the JDBC MySQL driver consistently fail connection attempts to a stopped MySQL after 10 seconds, but I'd like to …

java mysql jdbc timeout connection-timeout
Safely keeping MySQL connections alive

I'm working on a node.js application that connects to a MySQL server. The following likely isn't node.js-specific, though. …

mysql connection-timeout
MySQL Workbench drops connection when idle

I'm using MySQL Workbench 6.3 on my OS X 10.9.5 to manage several cloud databases (hosted on Rackspace), and I get the …

mysql database timeout mysql-workbench connection-timeout
DB2 - CLI0108E Communication link failure. SQLSTATE=40003

I keep getting the following error message when I try to reun a query against IBM DB2 9.1 version. CLI0108E …

error-handling db2 connection-timeout