Top "Connection-pooling" questions

In software engineering, a connection pool is a cache of connections maintained so that the connections can be reused when future requests to the resource are required.

.NET best practices for MongoDB connections?

I've been playing with MongoDB recently (It's AMAZINGLY FAST) using the C# driver on GitHub. Everything is working just fine …

c# mongodb performance connection-pooling
How good is Oracle Universal Connection Pool (UCP)

Does anybody have experience with using Oracle UCP under real production load? Does it handle database reconnects well? Are there …

java jdbc connection-pooling c3p0 apache-commons-dbcp
Why do I constantly see "Resetting dropped connection" when uploading data to my database?

I'm uploading hundreds of millions of items to my database via a REST API from a cloud server on Heroku …

python http connection-pooling python-requests urllib3

In looking over my Query log, I see an odd pattern that I don't have an explanation for. After practically …

java mysql connection-pooling apache-commons-dbcp
Connection pool or data source? Which should I put in JNDI?

Does it make more sense to have to connection pool at the JNDI level or at the webapp level? For …

java tomcat datasource jndi connection-pooling
How to detect SqlServer connection leaks in a applications?

I'm currently doing some GUI testing on a 2.0 application. The RDBMS is SQL Server 2005. The host is Win … sql-server connection-pooling performancecounter connection-leaks
Accessing a MySQL connection pool from Python multiprocessing

I'm trying to set up a MySQL connection pool and have my worker processes access the already established pool instead …

python connection-pooling mysql-python
Configure Hibernate C3P0 Connection Pooling

I'm stumbled upon a problem while developing a Web Application based on Struts2 with Spring and Hibernate. When I refresh …

spring hibernate struts2 connection-pooling c3p0
What does sp_reset_connection do?

sp_reset_connection seems to be called by SQL Server connection pooling, to ensure that connections reused from the pool …

sql sql-server connection-pooling
How do you efficiently connect to mysql in php without reconnecting on every query

I'm pretty sick of having to rewrite my code every time I learn something new about php (like the fact …

php mysql connection-pooling connect