Top "Connection-pooling" questions

In software engineering, a connection pool is a cache of connections maintained so that the connections can be reused when future requests to the resource are required.

Is there any way to have the JBoss connection pool reconnect to Oracle when connections go bad?

We have our JBoss and Oracle on separate servers. The connections seem to be dropped and is causing issues with …

oracle jboss connection-pooling reconnect
HttpClientError: The target server failed to respond

I am trying to hit a server using http client using PoolingClientConnectionManager setting max connections for individual hosts //Code that …

java apache httpclient connection-pooling
Connection Timeout and Connection Lifetime

What is the advantage and disadvantage of connection timeout=0? And what is the use of Connection Lifetime=0? e.g (Database=…

timeout connection connection-pooling lifetime
Where do I have to place the JDBC driver for Tomcat's connection pool?

So I've figured out my error, now I'm just looking for some insight as to what is going on exactly. …

java tomcat jdbc connection-pooling
How to use RestTemplate efficiently in Multithreaded environment?

I am working on a project in which I need to make a HTTP URL call to my server which …

java multithreading static connection-pooling resttemplate
How Jedis Pool works?

I'm using Jedis pool to manage connections to Redis server. An example code of mine as follows: public Set<…

java connection-pooling jedis
hibernate connection pool

I can't seem to get hibernate to use c3p0 for connection pooling, it says 12:30:35,038 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:64 - Using Hibernate …

hibernate connection-pooling c3p0
What is the best solution for database connection pooling in python?

I have developed some custom DAO-like classes to meet some very specialized requirements for my project that is a server-side …

python mysql connection-pooling
What is the maximum and minimum size of connection pool ADO.Net Supports in the connection string?

What is the maximum and minimum size of connection pool ADO.Net Supports in the connection string.Min Pool Size=[… connection-string connection-pooling pool
Hibernate: What is the connection pool and why is the default one unsuitable for production?

I'm very unfamiliar with Hibernate and have just started working on a web app that uses it with a MySQL …

hibernate connection-pooling