Top "Connection-pooling" questions

In software engineering, a connection pool is a cache of connections maintained so that the connections can be reused when future requests to the resource are required.

Difference between BasicDatasource and PoolingDatasource

What is the difference between org.apache.commons.dbcp BasicDatasource and PoolingDataSoure? Do both support pooling of connections? When to …

java connection-pooling apache-commons-dbcp
Cannot create resource instance in Tomcat7

I'm trying to configure connection pool in Tomcat 7. Here is code: part of server.xml: <GlobalNamingResources> <!-- …

mysql jndi connection-pooling tomcat7 server.xml
Connection pool with possible severed connections

I have multiple threads accessing the same database (with same connection string). Each thread: creates it's own SqlConnection instance using …

c# .net connection-pooling sqlconnection
What is the benefit of Connection and Statement Pooling?

Can someone explain what is Connection and Statement Pooling and what is the benefit over unpooled DataSources? I am trying …

database connection-pooling c3p0
Npgsql: Timeout while getting a connection from the pool

Background: I'm moving my application from mssql to npgsql v2.0.11.92. After a few minutes or hours of running my application, …

connection connection-pooling npgsql postgresql-9.1
How do I properly close a HikariCP Connection Pool

I'm using HikariDataSource to connect to a MariaDB database. The following class returns a Connection. public class DataSource { private HikariDataSource …

java datasource connection-pooling hikaricp
Mysql connection pooling question: is it worth it?

I recall hearing that the connection process in mysql was designed to be very fast compared to other RDBMSes, and …

python mysql sqlalchemy connection-pooling
Using HikariCP's connection pool the correct way

I been trying to develop a Minecraft server plugin where a player enters a command with some data, data is …

java connection-pooling hikaricp
How does pool.query() and pool.getGetConnection() differ on connection.release()?

As i can understand every pool.query() will cost a connection and it is automatically release when it ends. based …

mysql node.js connection-pooling node-mysql
How is maxIdleTimeExcessConnections different from maxIdleTime in c3p0?

I want to configure my c3p0 connection pool so that at least 2 connections are always active, at most 5, and …

java jdbc connection-pooling c3p0