Express connect-flash displays only after refresh. Code is stripped for easy reading. "express": "~4.2.0", "connect-flash": "~0.1.1", And here is my app.js …
node.js express connect-flashWhen I tried to log in from page, I got error return done(null, false, req.flash('loginMessage', 'User does …
node.js passport.js connect-flashI'm having some problems getting connect-flash to work, the error message I'm getting is: 'Error: req.flash() requires sessions' I've …
node.js express passport.js passport-local connect-flashI am trying to show a confirmation message before user deletes anything. I've tried following various related sources that I …
node.js ejs express-4 connect-flashI am doing user registration for a node app, starting from this example, but using a MySQL database instead of …
mysql node.js heroku passport.js connect-flashI'm still kinda confused on what exactly is the difference between flash, connect-flash and express-flash. Installation: flashnpm install flash express-flash : …
node.js express connect-flashI cannot get my flash message to show when using a redirect (though all ok when using a render) If …
javascript node.js express connect-flash