Top "Configsection" questions

Specifies configuration section and namespace declarations.

C# ConfigurationManager.GetSection could not load file or assembly

I am stuck! this seems really daft but I can not see where I am going wrong. I am creating …

c# configurationmanager configsection
Custom app.config Config Section Handler

What is the correct way to pick up the list of "pages" via a class that inherits from System.Configuration.…

.net configuration app-config configsection
log4net configuration exception

I am using log4net for logging. My logging configuration is stored in a separate file. Web.Config:ConfigSections <…

logging web-config log4net configsection
Get value from web.config applicationSettings into ASP.NET markup

I might be completely off track by now, so I will just ask this here so someone can help me. … web-config markup expressionbuilder configsection