Top "Conceptual" questions

Conceptual questions involve programming problems which are not related to program code itself, but with algorithm logic and program architecture.

Post-increment and Pre-increment concept?

I don't understand the concept of postfix and prefix increment or decrement. Can anyone give a better explanation?

c++ conceptual post-increment pre-increment
What's the difference between Task.Start/Wait and Async/Await?

I may be missing something but what is the difference between doing: public void MyMethod() { Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(…

c# task-parallel-library .net-4.5 async-await conceptual
How to show usage of static methods UML Class Diagram

How do i show the use of static methods in a UML class diagram? class A{ public static void test(){ } } …

oop uml class-diagram conceptual
Abstract Class vs. Interface

I have searched around SO as well as the rest of the web for a good answer but I have't …

php interface abstract-class conceptual
Real Life Examples For CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier

One example is given by one of our trainers when he was explaining difference between CountDownLatch and CyclicBarrier. CountDownLatch: Suppose …

java concurrency conceptual
Why is TaskScheduler.Current the default TaskScheduler?

The Task Parallel Library is great and I've used it a lot in the past months. However, there's something really …

c# .net task-parallel-library conceptual synchronizationcontext
How to force subclasses to set a variable in java?

I have a class which defines all of the basic parameters for a given screen. From here every screen in …

java conceptual
Understanding context in C# 5 async/await

Am I correct that async/await itself has nothing to do with concurrency/parallelism and is nothing more than continuation-passing …

c# multithreading async-await conceptual
What is the difference between SynchronizationContext.Send and SynchronizationContext.Post?

Thanks to Jeremy Miller's good work in Functional Programming For Everyday .NET Development, I have a working command executor that …

c# multithreading threadpool conceptual synchronizationcontext
Why does adding an index to a database field speed up searching over that field?

I'm new to databases and have been reading that adding an index to a field you need to search over …

database search conceptual