Yolo Custom Training - couldn't open file: data/obj.names

cabritoIncognito picture cabritoIncognito · Feb 14, 2018 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

I recently trained Yolo using the steps provided by https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet on Windows10 and had great results on the PC when using my custom training set. However, I am having issues deploying to a linux machine when running the command ./darknet detector test data/obj.data cfg/yolo-obj.cfg yolo-obj_25000.weights which returns:

Couldn't open file: data/obj.names

I've checked that the paths are correct, the files exist and I'm able to cat and return results on all files in their respective directories. I used relative paths and still had the same issue. Any insight on what I might be missing?


Shailaja picture Shailaja · Jun 15, 2018

Just copy the obj.names file in the darknet parent directory (outside the cfg folder) and it worked for me. Note that this is the temporary solution and you need to fix that by changing paths appropriately.