How to do transfer learning in darknet for YoloV3

Mohamed Aboushnief picture Mohamed Aboushnief · Aug 20, 2019 · Viewed 9.6k times · Source

I want to do transfer learning in YOLOv3 in Darknet so I want to use the pre-trained model of YOLOv3 that was trained on COCO dataset and then further train it on my own dataset to detect additional objects. So what are the steps that I should do? How can I label my data so that it can be used in Darknet? Please help me because it's the first time that I use Darknet and YOLO.


Steve Zaretti picture Steve Zaretti · Aug 22, 2019

It's all explained here:

Note that notation must be consistent. Any missing annotated object will result in a bad learning and so a bad prediction.