The hardware microarchitecture (x86, x86_64, ARM, ...) of a CPU or microcontroller.
I frequently encounter these terms and am confused about them. Are they specific to the Processor, or the Operating System, …
x86-64 processor computer-architecture instruction-set itaniumCPU Switches from User mode to Kernel Mode : What exactly does it do? How does it makes this transition? EDIT: …
assembly operating-system computer-architectureI am trying to understand how a virtual machine monitor (VMM) virtualizes the CPU. My understanding right now is that …
operating-system x86 virtualization computer-architectureAssume a 5 stage pipeline architecture (IF = Instruction Fetch, ID = Instruction Decode, EX = Execute, MEM = Memory access, WB = Register write back).…
computer-architectureSuppose I'm a primarily Linux user, but I'm developing an application in Go that I want to be cross platform. …
go cross-platform binaryfiles computer-architectureI'm new to Assembly. I'm having some trouble reading a string from the command line arguments. I would like to …
assembly command-line-arguments mips computer-architecture spimGiven is the snap shot of memory of a byte-addressable computer. What would be loaded into register $16 after execution of …
mips computer-architecture endianness mips32I'm familiar with the MIPS architecture, which is has a software-managed TLB. So how and where you (the operating system) …
operating-system x86 virtual-memory computer-architectureI understand what it means to access memory such that it is aligned but I don’t understand why this …
algorithm hardware theory computer-architectureIn the Patterson & Hennessy Book: But can't this be handled as a EX hazard: Why is forwarding done in …
mips pipeline computer-architecture