Top "Compression" questions

The name given to the process of encoding data such that it uses lesser number of bits as compared to the original representation.

logrotate compress files after the postrotate script

I have an application generating a really heavy big log file every days (~800MB a day), thus I need to …

linux shell logging compression logrotate
Zlib compression Using Deflate and Inflate classes in Java

I want trying to use the Deflate and Inflate classes in for zlib compression. I am able …

java compression zlib deflate inflate
Using SharpZipLib to unzip specific files?

I'm trying to use SharpZipLib to pull specified files from a zip archive. All of the examples I've seen always …

.net compression sharpziplib
how to enable gzip compression in angular cli for production build

I would want to compress the bundle files that are created when building the angular project. I use ng build …

angular compression angular-cli gzip angular7
How can I enable keep-alive?

I ran a Google Page Speed and it says I scored 57/100 because I need to "Enable Keep-Alive" and "Enable Compression". …

image compression keep-alive
What are the real-world applications of huffman coding?

I am told that Huffman coding is used as loseless data compression algorithm, but I am also told that real …

algorithm compression huffman-code
ZLIB Decompression - Client Side

I am receiving data as an "ZLIB" compressed inputstream. Using Javascript/Ajax/JQuery, I need to uncompress it on the …

javascript zlib compression
Get Maximum Compression from 7zip compression algorithm

I am trying to compress some of my large document files. But most of files are getting compresses by only 10% …

command-line compression 7zip lzma
Unzip a zip file using zlib

I have an which contains two crypted ".txt" files. I would like to decompress the archive in order …

c zlib unzip compression
Compression library using Nvidia's CUDA

Does anyone know a project which implements standard compression methods (like Zip, GZip, BZip2, LZMA,...) using NVIDIA's CUDA library? I …

cuda compression gpgpu