Top "Composition" questions

Composition is the process of combining, or composing, parts of a program into a larger program.

React.js: Composing components to create tabs

I’m trying to make a tabs component. TabsSwitcher and TabsPanel must be separate components so they could be used …

javascript components composition reactjs
Object Oriented Best Practices - Inheritance v Composition v Interfaces

I want to ask a question about how you would approach a simple object-oriented design problem. I have a few …

inheritance oop composition
Haskell Monad bind operator confusion

Okay, so I am not a Haskell programmer, but I am absolutely intrigued by a lot of the ideas behind …

haskell monads composition currying function-composition
Design patterns: Composite vs. Composition

I am finishing a course on design patterns, and while reviewing the notes came across something I missed during the …

design-patterns composite composition
Composition vs. Delegation

Is there any difference in terms of implementation as how a composition design can be different from delegation. For example …

composition delegation
When using <ui:composition> templating, where should I declare the <f:metadata>?

I have made a lot of progress in converting my JSF applications to book-markable pages, but I am wondering if …

jsf metadata facelets composition templating
How to customize h:head when using ui:composition template?

I am using JSF to render an HTML page. I design the page like it : <f:view xmlns="http://…

jsf jsf-2 facelets composition head
Python: Inheritance versus Composition

I am working with two classes in Python, one of which should be allowed to have any number objects from …

python inheritance composition
How implement composition in php

I want to implement next fragment of diagram, using PHP. See composition example diagram below: We can implement composition in …

php oop composition
When to use association, aggregation, composition and inheritance?

I've seen plenty of posts on Stackoverflow explaining the difference between the relationships: associations, aggregation, composition and inheritance, with examples. …

python inheritance associations aggregation composition