I want to use a stock composition I downloaded. It is of falling leaves and was built in After Effects using Particular. Find it here!
I need to increase the time of the composition to match a musical number I am using as well (00:05:12:15). I have done the whole right-click on the composition and increase the duration value, but it is still playing for it's default length of time.
The final goal is to use the composition, with a different background, along with the aforementioned musical number for a menu in an Encore project. Thanks!
If you're using the RAM preview, after editing the duration in the composition settings dialog, you will need to zoom out on the timeline (little mountain/big mountain slider at the bottom of the timeline), and make sure you've dragged the handles out on your work area to fill the length of the composition. You should be able to drag your current time indicator (playhead) further in time.