Questions about complex numbers (numbers in the form of x + y∙i where i² = -1), types to represent them in programming languages, and libraries to manipulate them
I would like to extract only the real numbers from an array containing imaginary numbers also I would like to …
matlab matrix complex-numbersI've been trying to find some places to help me better understand DFT and how to compute it but to …
algorithm fft complex-numbers dftI'm looking for the most memory-efficient way to compute the absolute squared value of a complex numpy ndarray arr = np.…
python numpy complex-numbers memory-efficient numpy-ufuncWe do complex number multiplication as follows: (a + i * b) * (c + i * d) = (a * c - b * d) + i * (a * …
algorithm math complex-numbersThe following code fails to compile #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <complex> using namespace …
c++ operators complex-numbers multiplicationThe FFTW manual says that its fftw_complex type is bit compatible to std::complex<double> class in …
c++ fftw complex-numbers reinterpret-castThe following code compiles and runs just fine in C (at least according to 'gcc -std=gnu99'), but it …
c++ c99 complex-numbersI have run across some confusing behaviour with square roots of complex numbers in python. Running this code: from cmath …
python math complex-numbersI have build a rudimentary kernel in CUDA to do an elementwise vector-vector multiplication of two complex vectors. The kernel …
cuda complex-numbers cublasI would like to use complex numbers as defined in C99, but I need to support compilers which do not …
c visual-studio c99 complex-numbers