Top "Compatibility" questions

This tag should be used to identify questions regarding compatibility issues, for example between different versions of the same software product or, development kit or library.

Python 2 vs. Python 3 - urllib formats

I'm getting really tired of trying to figure out why this code works in Python 2 and not in Python 3. I'm …

python json python-3.x compatibility urllib
Forward or Backward Compatibility in Android?

I would like to know whether the Android provides any sort of compatibility i.e either forward or backward. It …

android compatibility forward
jQuery .prop() compatibility

I'm trying to test if the .prop() method exists on the current jQuery included (for compatibility reason) via: if(typeof $.…

jquery version compatibility prop
Creating a portable library to run on both linux and windows

gcc (GCC) 4.7.2 Hello, I am creating a shared library that will compile on linux and a dll that will compile …

c++ c compatibility
Alternative to sun.misc.Signal

I started research to find an alternative to the sun.misc.Signal class, because it could be unsupported in upcoming …

java signals compatibility sun
Differentiate IE7 browser and browser in IE7 compatibility mode

Can I differentiate if client's browser is IE7 or e.g. IE9 in IE7 compatibility mode? I'm trying to figure …

javascript internet-explorer compatibility browser-detection
How to use NotificationCompat.Builder and startForeground?

Short question: I'm trying to use the NotificationCompat.Builder class in order to create a notification that will be used …

android android-service compatibility android-notifications foreground
GLSL - Equivalent Of "layout (location = 1)" In #version 130

I am reading a tutorial about openGL 3.3 (where naturally GLSL 330 is in use). Unfortunately my hardware is limited to openGL 3.0 (…

layout compatibility glsl
Facebook Connect and HTML5, xmlns available?

Facebook Connect and their "Social Widgets" documentation mention that you need to add an xmlns attribute to your <html&…

html facebook xhtml compatibility xml-namespaces
Reasons for getting the Program Compatibility Assistant dialog?

What are possible reasons for getting the Program Compatibility Assistant dialog after my application closes? (source: EDIT: Program …

windows-7 uac compatibility