Top "Compatibility" questions

This tag should be used to identify questions regarding compatibility issues, for example between different versions of the same software product or, development kit or library.

Object has type qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function

My class Game has a member EntityManager entityManager_. The class EntityManager has a private member Player player_ and the public …

c++ types constants compatibility qualifiers
println vs System.out.println in Scala

I always thought that Predef.println was merely a shortcut for System.out.println, but apparently I am mistaken, since …

scala compatibility println
Was PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package?

I'm looking to write preferences that can be applied to both 3.0 and pre-3.0 devices. Discovering that PreferenceActivity contains deprecated methods (…

android compatibility android-3.0-honeycomb
Angular4 Application running issues in IE11

I am building a Angular4 project using Angular CLI (1.1.2). It runs perfectly in Chrome (Version 59.0.3071.115) and firefox(54.0.1) but when I …

angular internet-explorer angular-cli compatibility polyfills
Theme not applying to DialogFragment on Android

I'm switching my old Dialogs to DialogFragment, but the themes and styles don't seem to be working. I'm using the …

android dialog styles themes compatibility
VB6 Running on Windows 8?

Assuming that vb6 does not run on Windows 8 because the VB6 run time libraries are not shipped with Windows 8, would …

windows vb6 compatibility windows-8
Android: Tint using DrawableCompat

I'm trying to tint an image prior to Android API level 21. I've successfully tinted items using: <android:tint="@color/…

android compatibility tint
Is there a compatibility matrix of Spring-boot and Spring-cloud?

I am wondering if a compatibility matrix exists between Springboot and Springcloud? I created a simple project on STS and …

spring spring-boot version compatibility spring-cloud
What PHP version is supported by which TYPO3 release?

I'm planning on upgrade my PHP to version 5.3. Most of my sites are running on the TYPO3 framework. Some of …

php compatibility typo3
Use Selenium with Chromium Browser

In the Selenium options (on Firefox) I can find Custom browser. Is it possible to use this option to run …

selenium compatibility chromium web-testing