I recently started using bootstrap SCSS on my node project. So I have app/bower_components/bootstrap-sass/lib/_glyphicons.scss
for example.
Looking at my CSS output I see things like:
@media -sass-debug-info{filename{font-family:file\:\/\/\/home\/some\/path\/project\/app\/bower_components\/bootstrap-sass\/lib\/_normalize\.scss}line{font-family:\0000332}}
video {
display: inline-block;
I have 2 questions:
which apparently turns into this absolute path. Looking at compass documentation, I see they provide absolute values but no $icon-font-path
This is the piece of code I am referring to:
@font-face {
font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
src: url('#{$icon-font-path}#{$icon-font-name}.eot');
src: url('#{$icon-font-path}#{$icon-font-name}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('#{$icon-font-path}#{$icon-font-name}.woff') format('woff'),
url('#{$icon-font-path}#{$icon-font-name}.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('#{$icon-font-path}#{$icon-font-name}.svg#glyphicons-halflingsregular') format('svg');
Both answers are correct. To sum it up, there's no magic
Bootstrap initializes $icon-font-path
with a default value.
if you include
bootstrap's SCSS
in a manager that requires a different value for $icon-font-path
you should also override their default value.
The syntax $icon-font-path: some_value !default;
means - use this value if not already set.
So when you include you should do the following
/* override icon-font-path value and include scss */
$icon-font-path: bower_components/bootstrap/fonts;
@include bower_components/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss;
paths might be different in real scenarios.
This seems to be a standard mechanism for publishing a reusable SCSS modules.