Top "Comparison" questions

Questions about data comparison and efficient ways to accomplish it.

What's the difference between equal?, eql?, ===, and ==?

I am trying to understand the difference between these four methods. I know by default that == calls the method equal? …

ruby comparison operators equality
What is the proper way to check if a string is empty in Perl?

I've just been using this code to check if a string is empty: if ($str == "") { // ... } And also the same with …

perl string comparison
MySQL compare DATE string with string from DATETIME field

I have a question: Is it possible to select from a MySQL database by comparing one DATE string "2010-04-29" …

mysql datetime comparison
How to compare times in Python?

I see that date comparisons can be done and there's also datetime.timedelta(), but I'm struggling to find out how …

python datetime time comparison timedelta
Best way to compare 2 XML documents in Java

I'm trying to write an automated test of an application that basically translates a custom message format into an XML …

java xml testing parsing comparison
When to use CouchDB over MongoDB and vice versa

I am stuck between these two NoSQL databases. In my project I will be creating a database within a database. …

mongodb performance comparison couchdb nosql
Differences in string compare methods in C#

Comparing string in C# is pretty simple. In fact there are several ways to do it. I have listed some …

c# string comparison
How to compare two floating point numbers in Bash?

I am trying hard to compare two floating point numbers within a bash script. I have to variables, e.g. …

bash floating-point comparison numbers
Can't compare naive and aware <= challenge.datetime_end

I am trying to compare the current date and time with dates and times specified in models using comparison operators: …

python django datetime comparison
Jackson Vs. Gson

After searching through some existing libraries for JSON, I have finally ended up with these two: Jackson Google GSon I …

java json comparison gson jackson