Top "Commandparameter" questions

How do I pass a variable as a CommandParameter

I'm trying to send a variable from the ViewModel as a parameter to a command. The command looks like this: …

c# wpf mvvm command commandparameter
How do I pass the Button as CommandParameter from XAML in a Xamarin.Forms Page?

I would like to pass a Xamarin.Forms.Button in it's own Command as the CommandParameter to my ViewModel. I …

c# xaml xamarin.forms commandparameter
Binding a WPF Button CommandParameter to the Button itself in DataTemplate

I have a DataTemplate that represents AppBar buttons that I declare through a collection of custom AppBarCommand objects. public AppBarCommand(…

c# wpf binding datatemplate commandparameter
passing the current Window as a CommandParameter

how can I pass the window I am currently on as a parameter to a command? I like to do …

wpf binding commandparameter
Passing a Command Parameter from a Datagrid through a Keybinding

I've a wpf specific problem. I'm trying to delete a Row from a Datagrid, by defining a Keybinding that passes …

wpf xaml key-bindings commandparameter
Pass CommandParameter to Command in Silverlight using MVVM

I'm just learning Silverlight and looking at MVVM and Commanding. Ok, so I have seen the basic RelayCommand implementation: public …

mvvm silverlight-4.0 command relaycommand commandparameter
How to correctly bind menu items?

How do i correctly bind a dynamical created list of menu items. I have tried several thing but none seem …

wpf data-binding mvvm menuitem commandparameter
Execute command with parameter using xaml binding and viewmodel

Currently I have in xaml: <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Facilities, Mode=OneWay}"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> &…

c# xaml binding itemscontrol commandparameter
Pass a CommandParameter using MVVMLight EventToCommand and the Page Load event?

EventToCommand fails to pass Command Parameter on Load Event When attached to the Load event of the page or user …

load mvvm-light commandparameter eventtocommand