Command substitution is the replacement of a command with the result returned after it is evaluated.
I need to assign the results from a grep to an array... for example grep -n "search term" file.txt | …
arrays bash command-substitutionWhen I went to answer this question, I was going to use the ${} notation, as I've seen so many times …
bash command-substitutionTo speed up some bash script execution, I would like to keep the result of a command in a variable …
bash newline command-substitutionI am trying to escape backslash in AWK. This is a sample of what I am trying to do. Say, …
bash awk backslash command-substitutionI am currently trying out the fish shell instead of using bash. One type of notation I'm having trouble learning …
shell fish command-substitutionI try to do something like this directly on my console as some testruns : It does not seem to work.. …
bash string-concatenation command-substitutionI am trying to exploit a buffer overflow in a challenge, the buffer gets it's value from an environment variable. …
linux command-line gdb environment-variables command-substitution