Programming command line utilities that take parameters.
How do I restrict the values of the argparse options? In the below code sau option should only accept a …
python command-line-arguments argparseI have a C program that reads command line arguments from argv. Is it possible to make a pipe to …
linux pipe command-line-arguments cat argvI try to understand what PyQt does. And one of the first things I didn't, was: QApplication(sys.argv) Why …
python pyqt command-line-arguments qapplicationI am trying to write a C code which takes arguments in main; thus when I write some strings in …
c string command-line-arguments string-comparison strcmpI have a Nant script which updates a directory with the latest source code (checked out from the svn repository), …
svn tortoisesvn tagging command-line-arguments working-copyAs mentioned in the docs the optparse.OptionParser uses an IndentedHelpFormatter to output the formatted option help, for which which …
python command-line formatting command-line-arguments optparseI have the following code snippet: package main import("fmt";"flag") func main() { var a = flag.Int("a",0,"divident") var …
go command-line-arguments floating-point-conversionAnybody know how to do this? I have a .bat script that I'd like to be able to use both …
visual-studio-2010 batch-file command-line-arguments post-build-eventI'm using commander.js package for parsing command-line arguments: I'd like to make a flag non-optional, the API and tests …
node.js command-line-arguments required-field node-commander#include <iostream> #include <getopt.h> #define no_argument 0 #define required_argument 1 #define optional_argument 2 int main(…
c++ parsing command-line-arguments getopt-long