Top "Com" questions

Component Object Model (COM) is a component technology from Microsoft, featuring remoting, language independence and interface-based programming.

Can't close Excel completely using win32com on Python

This is my code, and I found many answers for VBA, .NET framework and is pretty strange. When I execute …

python excel com pywin32 win32com
Getting the error "The 'VFPOLEDB.1' provider is not registered on the local machine" even after installing and registering the provider

Alright, so I've got a Windows service that has a FileSystemWatcher that watches an output folder for some Visual FoxPro …

c# com windows-services visual-foxpro
Copy Excel Worksheet from one Workbook to another with Powershell

I'd like to copy (or move) a worksheet from one workbook to another workbook with Powershell. I had done this …

com powershell excel office-automation vba
Getting ScriptControl to work with Excel 2010 x64

I am trying to use the solution given to this, however, whenever I try to run the most basic anything, …

vba excel com excel-2010 scriptcontrol
What is COM?

I searched hard, but was unable to grasp the whole idea. Can anyone tell me: What COM actually is? How …

com guid
Can not add reference a COM in COM client?

A COM server is create and I registerd that. When I am trying to add that COM server in a …

c# com interop com-interop
Import TLB into C#

i want to import a Type Library (tlb) into C#. How do i import a .tlb into a .cs code …

c# com typelib
Assembly has a strong name, but I"m getting the error that says a strong name is needed

I am trying to load a third party COM dll into my application. Everything builds fine but when I run …

.net com strongname
SaveAs vs SaveAs2 in the Microsoft Office Word object model

It looks like SaveAs has gone away in Office 2010 in favor of SaveAs2. What is going on here? Are there …

api com ms-word activex ms-office
Create ISO image using PowerShell: how to save IStream to file?

I want to create an ISO image, so a .iso file, on Windows. This is possible to do using COM …

com powershell imapi iso-image