A color scheme is a set of colors used by an IDE.
I've been trying to get colourschemes to work properly in VIM when using it over ssh with PuTTy as a …
vim syntax-highlighting color-scheme putty gnu-screenPossible Duplicate: Why don’t most vim color schemes look as nice as the screenshot when I use them? I'm …
macos vim color-schemeOn one of pages we're currently working on users can change the background of the text displayed. We would like …
javascript color-schemeEnvironment Fonts and Colors (Where's the one I'm looking for?) I noticed that VS has a feature that if you …
visual-studio color-schemeI'm using Expression Blend 3 and am writing some of the XAML by hand, specifically the color values of controls. I …
graphics blend color-schemeI use Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate, Resharper 8 and own color scheme from http://studiostyl.es/. I would like change background color …
background color-scheme visual-studio-2013Im switching code editors and trying to rebuild my color scheme from the previous one, from Sublime Text to PHP …
php phpstorm color-scheme code-editorI have a condition in my app where user can choose 3 colors, but those colors should not match with each …
ios objective-c uicolor color-scheme cgcolorSimilar, but different to this question: I use highlight occurrences a lot, but sometimes I'm irritated by how hard it …
java eclipse colors color-schemeI'm using the Light theme with custom Text Editor colors. In Visual Studio 2015, my Intellisense and the other lightbulb/hover/…
intellisense visual-studio-2015 color-scheme