I like style guide used by google for c++, published here . Is there any similar style guide available for c# …
c# coding-styleFrom what I saw in this post I decided to start reading the book Effective C++. But now that there …
c++ c++11 coding-style effective-c++I know the standard way of using the null coalescing operator in C# is to set default values. string nobody = …
c# coding-style null conditional-operator null-coalescing-operatorI am trying to build the Android project that uses appcompat_v7 library. For that, I created my project through …
android coding-style android-theme android-styles android-appcompatLet's say you have a class called Customer, which contains the following fields: UserName Email First Name Last Name Let's …
parameters refactoring constructor coding-styleIs there any standard, de facto or otherwise, for XML documents? For example which is the "best" way to write …
xml coding-style naming-conventionsI'm interested in learning about the available choices of high-quality, stand-alone source code formatters for Java. The formatter must be …
java coding-style code-formattingI noticed some people use the following notation for declaring pointer variables. (a) char* p; instead of (b) char *p; …
c++ c pointers coding-styleWhat is the accepted practice for indenting SQL statements? For example, consider the following SQL statement: SELECT column1, column2 FROM …
sql coding-style indentationI've searched for this, but couldn't find an answer and for whatever reason I was too ashamed to ask professor, …
java coding-style brackets