I like style guide used by google for c++, published here . Is there any similar style guide available for c# also? I'm looking for more of good practices along with simple things like naming just like in google style guide for c++.
I've been creating one for my development team by combining parts of all the good / great ones that I've been able to find. Here are links to the ones I am using...
Microsoft - Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms229042.aspx
IDesign C# Coding Standard - http://www.idesign.net/idesign/download/IDesign CSharp Coding Standard.zip
SubMain C# / VB.NET Coding Guidelines - http://submain.com/products/guidelines.aspx
Lance Hunt - C# Coding Standards - http://weblogs.asp.net/lhunt/archive/2004/08/17/CSharpCodingStandardsv113.aspx
DotNetSpider - C# Coding Standards and Best Programming Practices - http://www.dotnetspider.com/tutorials/BestPractices.aspx
Microsoft – C# Programming Guide - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/67ef8sbd.aspx
Phillips Medical Systems - Coding Standard C# - http://www.tiobe.com/content/paperinfo/gemrcsharpcs.pdf