Top "Code-templates" questions

(Code) templates are a structured description of coding patterns that reoccur in source code.

How to set the Eclipse date variable format?

How can I set the format for the ${date} variable which can be used in Eclipse templates?

eclipse date variables code-templates
How can we write our own code template file in IntelliJ IDEA

I need to create a sample code template in my IntelliJ IDEA project so that everybody in the team can …

java intellij-idea code-templates
Creating new live-templates with import statements in IntelliJ IDEA

Here is the Eclipse template that I want to port: ${:import(org.apache.log4j.Logger)} private static final Logger …

intellij-idea code-templates
NetBeans Code Templates ${date}?

I have this code template in Eclipse @since ${date} when entered i get something like this : @since 4.8.2009 But when i …

php eclipse netbeans code-templates
Fast implement wrapping (delegate methods) in Eclipse?

Is there some template or something to implement iterface methods with accessing to wrapped member? For example, suppose I have …

java eclipse wrapper code-assist code-templates