Code Analysis is the process of analyzing the code of the application to discover, review, validate or verify certain properties of the application.
I would like to confirm if this is a bug on PMD? How do I file a ticket if it …
java for-loop code-analysis static-analysis pmdDoes Ruby have any tools along the lines of pylint for analyzing source code for errors and simple coding standards? …
ruby code-analysis static-analysisI'm using DotNetOpenAuth (which references System.Web.Mvc version in a Mvc project in Visual Studio 2010. I'm using assembly binding …
visual-studio-2010 visual-studio code-analysis assemblybindingI need a default value set and many different pages access and update..initially can I set the default value …
c# .net code-analysis static-variables variable-assignmentI've read a lot about the Visual Studio Code Analysis warning C8386, but can't figure out this particular issue with …
c++ visual-studio-2015 code-analysis static-code-analysisPMD has a rule called ArrayIsStoredDirectly in the Sun Security ruleset: Constructors and methods receiving arrays should clone objects and …
java security code-analysis pmdAfter dive into Python's source code, I find out that it maintains an array of PyInt_Objects ranging from int(…
python caching code-analysis literals python-internalsI have read a few questions and topics on this issue. For example: Warning message regarding stack size But I …
mfc code-analysis stack-sizeI have some code that will trigger Code Analysis warning CA1063: CA1063 : Microsoft.Design : Remove IDisposable from the list of …
c# code-analysis idisposableIs there a good resource which describes the "why" behind PMD rule sets? PMD's site has the "what" - what …
pmd java code-analysis