I have read a few questions and topics on this issue. For example:
Warning message regarding stack size
But I can't really work out how I am to isolate the issue in the method:
void CCreateReportDlg::ReadOptions()
CHeadingsDlg dlgHeadings(this);
COptionsDlg dlgOptions(this);
CBrothersDlg dlgBrothers(this, FALSE);
CAutoAssignSettingsDlg dlgAssign(this);
CString strSection = theApp.GetActiveScheduleSection(_T("Options"));
// headings
m_strReportTitle = dlgHeadings.GetReportTitle();
m_eReportMode = dlgOptions.GetReportMode();
// brother data
dlgBrothers.GetBrotherData(SOUND, m_aryStrSoundWT, m_aryStrSoundSM, TRUE);
dlgBrothers.GetBrotherData(PLATFORM, m_aryStrPlatformWT, m_aryStrPlatformSM, TRUE);
dlgBrothers.GetBrotherData(MIKE, m_aryStrMikeWT, m_aryStrMikeSM, TRUE);
dlgBrothers.GetBrotherData(ATTENDANT, m_aryStrAttendWT, m_aryStrAttendSM, TRUE);
dlgBrothers.GetBrotherData(SOUND, m_aryStrBroSoundAll, TRUE);
dlgBrothers.GetBrotherData(PLATFORM, m_aryStrBroPlatformAll, TRUE);
dlgBrothers.GetBrotherData(MIKE, m_aryStrBroMikeAll, TRUE);
dlgBrothers.GetBrotherData(ATTENDANT, m_aryStrBroAttendAll, TRUE);
CCustomAssignManagerDlg::GetCustomAssignData(m_aryPtrAssign, TRUE, ASSIGN_SORT_HEADING);
if(m_eReportMode != MODE_MEETING)
// We need to update the arrays to only include the brothers that are available
// on both days (so the two arrays become identical)
// We need an array of unique names
// (without first to entries in combo)
// Used during printing and exporting (multi highlight)
// options
m_bExcludePlatformColumn = dlgOptions.ExcludePlatformColumn();
m_bExcludePlatformMikeColumn = dlgOptions.ExcludePlatformMikeColumn();
m_bExcludeAttendColumn = dlgOptions.ExcludeAttendantColumn();
m_iNumMikeUsers = dlgOptions.GetNumMikeUsers();
m_iNumSoundUsers = dlgOptions.GetNumSoundUsers();
m_iNumAttendUsers = dlgOptions.GetNumAttendants();
dlgOptions.GetMeetingDays(m_iDayWT, m_iDaySM, m_iDayWeek);
dlgOptions.GetCustomDateOptions(m_bCustomDate, m_strDateFormat);
m_bAvoidBack2Back = dlgAssign.AvoidBack2Back();
m_bCheckForConflicts = dlgAssign.CheckForConflicts();
m_bSelectNames = dlgAssign.SelectNames();
m_bShowNotes = (BOOL)theApp.GetNumberSetting(strSection, _T("ShowNotes"), (int)TRUE);
m_bNoticeBoard = (BOOL)theApp.GetNumberSetting(strSection, _T("NoticeBoard"), (int)FALSE);
I know I can adjust the compiler and increase the stacksize to supress the error.
But what is the basic approach to identifying the route cause in my method?
The first bunch of variables are CStringArray
. Then it is followed by a CPtrArray
of objects, of type CUSTOM_ASSIGN_S
typedef struct tagCustomAssignment
int iIndex;
CString strDescription;
CString strHeading;
BOOL bExcluded;
CStringArray aryStrBrothersAll;
CStringArray aryStrBrothersWT;
CStringArray aryStrBrothersSM;
BOOL bIncludeWT;
BOOL bIncludeTMS;
BOOL bFixed;
int iFixedType;
Again, none of the members of the above structure are large arrays [xxx]
. The only other notable method is ReadDateMapData
that reads an archive and fills another map.
But as mentioned, I don't know how to go about isolating the issue. There are no large arrays being define. One or two TCHAR file[_MAXPATH];
but that is about it. The rest of classes like CStringArray
or CPtrArray
Thank you in advance.
Based on the comments provided I was able to establish that even just the variable declarations at the top:
CHeadingsDlg dlgHeadings(this);
COptionsDlg dlgOptions(this);
CBrothersDlg dlgBrothers(this, FALSE);
CAutoAssignSettingsDlg dlgAssign(this);
CString strSection = theApp.GetActiveScheduleSection(_T("Options"));
Would cause it to have a stack size of 18072 to begin with.
My main variables in this class were actually dialog
objects which understandably are quite large due to all the member variables etc..
The reason I was using these dialogues was to gain access to application settings by using their public methods.
By changing these dialogue declarations to new
/ delete
and adjusting the code I no longer get the stack size warning:
void CCreateReportDlg::ReadOptions()
CHeadingsDlg *pDlgHeadings = new CHeadingsDlg(this);
if (pDlgHeadings != NULL)
m_strReportTitle = pDlgHeadings->GetReportTitle();
delete pDlgHeadings;
COptionsDlg *pDlgOptions = new COptionsDlg(this);
if (pDlgOptions != NULL)
m_eReportMode = pDlgOptions->GetReportMode();
m_bExcludePlatformColumn = pDlgOptions->ExcludePlatformColumn();
m_bExcludePlatformMikeColumn = pDlgOptions->ExcludePlatformMikeColumn();
m_bExcludeAttendColumn = pDlgOptions->ExcludeAttendantColumn();
m_iNumMikeUsers = pDlgOptions->GetNumMikeUsers();
m_iNumSoundUsers = pDlgOptions->GetNumSoundUsers();
m_iNumAttendUsers = pDlgOptions->GetNumAttendants();
pDlgOptions->GetCustomDateOptions(m_bCustomDate, m_strDateFormat);
pDlgOptions->GetMeetingDays(m_iDayWT, m_iDaySM, m_iDayWeek);
delete pDlgOptions;
CBrothersDlg *pDlgBrothers = new CBrothersDlg(this, FALSE);
if (pDlgBrothers != NULL)
pDlgBrothers->GetBrotherData(SOUND, m_aryStrSoundWT, m_aryStrSoundSM, TRUE);
pDlgBrothers->GetBrotherData(PLATFORM, m_aryStrPlatformWT, m_aryStrPlatformSM, TRUE);
pDlgBrothers->GetBrotherData(MIKE, m_aryStrMikeWT, m_aryStrMikeSM, TRUE);
pDlgBrothers->GetBrotherData(ATTENDANT, m_aryStrAttendWT, m_aryStrAttendSM, TRUE);
pDlgBrothers->GetBrotherData(SOUND, m_aryStrBroSoundAll, TRUE);
pDlgBrothers->GetBrotherData(PLATFORM, m_aryStrBroPlatformAll, TRUE);
pDlgBrothers->GetBrotherData(MIKE, m_aryStrBroMikeAll, TRUE);
pDlgBrothers->GetBrotherData(ATTENDANT, m_aryStrBroAttendAll, TRUE);
// We need an array of unique names (without first two entries in combo)
// Used during printing and exporting (multi highlight)
delete pDlgBrothers;
CAutoAssignSettingsDlg *pDlgAssign = new CAutoAssignSettingsDlg(this);
if (pDlgAssign != NULL)
m_bAvoidBack2Back = pDlgAssign->AvoidBack2Back();
m_bCheckForConflicts = pDlgAssign->CheckForConflicts();
m_bSelectNames = pDlgAssign->SelectNames();
delete pDlgAssign;
CCustomAssignManagerDlg::GetCustomAssignData(m_aryPtrAssign, TRUE, ASSIGN_SORT_HEADING);
if(m_eReportMode != MODE_MEETING)
// We need to update the arrays to only include the brothers that are available
// on both days (so the two arrays become identical)
CString strSection = theApp.GetActiveScheduleSection(_T("Options"));
m_bShowNotes = (BOOL)theApp.GetNumberSetting(strSection, _T("ShowNotes"), (int)TRUE);
m_bNoticeBoard = (BOOL)theApp.GetNumberSetting(strSection, _T("NoticeBoard"), (int)FALSE);