Top "Cocos2d-iphone" questions

Objective-C version for iOS & OS X of Cocos2d.

Adding Multiple UITapGestureRecognizers to single view (Cocos2d)

I am adding the following code in the onEnter method. doubleTapRecognizer_ = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleDoubleTap:)]; doubleTapRecognizer_.numberOfTapsRequired = 2; …

uiview cocos2d-iphone uitapgesturerecognizer
How to implement pause/resume in cocos2d game?

My question is to look for design solution for pause/resume states (including all data info, which need save ) during …

iphone save cocos2d-iphone resume
How to hide navigation bar in iOS 7 specifically for cocos2D?

My app is made with cocos2D 2.1, and I am using Xcode 5. After compiling, the UINavigationBar appears in my app …

ios7 cocos2d-iphone xcode5 uinavigationbar hidden
cannot init a class object : objective-C

I'm trying to make a simple subclass of CCNode, but I can't create the object. It gives me the error "* …

objective-c cocos2d-iphone subclass init
Cocos2d v2.x, failing to install templates.. permission denied. Am I doing something stupid?

I would like to clarify this issue. I had installed Cocos2d 1.01 rc on my iMac, with XCode 4.3 installed, and …

ios macos templates unix cocos2d-iphone
How to hide FPS numbers in bottom left of screen in Cocos2d

How do I get rid of the numbers in the bottom left of the screen when I am making a …

iphone cocos2d-iphone
How to get winSize in Cocos2d 3.0

I used below code in Cocos2d 1.0 and Cocos2d 2.0, but it seems not found in Cocos2d 3.0 CGSize s = [[…

Cant receive game center invitations

I am trying to develop a realtime multiplayer game for IOS by using cocos2d by using the tutorial on …

ios cocos2d-iphone game-center invitation
OpenGL vs Cocos2d: What to choose?

I understand that cocos2d it's really simple API, and that I can use it to do simple and huge 2…

ios xcode opengl-es cocos2d-iphone
Cocos2d 2.0 Adding UIView to CClayer openglview deprecated

I'm having some troubles adding an UIView to cocos2d v2.0 since the openGlView is deprecated I can't add the …

uiview cocos2d-iphone deprecated cclayer