dynamic libraries in XCode

Chris Becke picture Chris Becke · Dec 2, 2009 · Viewed 10k times · Source

I am trying to create an mac application in XCode that has some of its implementation in a dynamic library.

I added a new target (dynamic library) to my XCode cocoa project and after a bit of fighting with frameworks and precompiled headers, have the dynlib compiling - and running successfully from the debugger.

When run standalone however its apparent that the dynlib is in the wrong place. "Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/testlib.dynlib". On Windows - my more usual platform - Dlls can be placed in the same folder as the exe, and anywhere on the system path.

I would rather like my application to look for its dynlib somewhere in its application bundle (and certain documents seem to confirm this as the correct approach), but I don't know how.

Is it possible to configure the project in XCode so that the dylib actually is copied into the app bundle, in a place where the app will look for it?

It seems I don't need to use otool to reset the search path. If I edit the Target Info -> Build -> Deployment -> Installation Directory I can change, from inside XCode, the path that dyld is going to look at for the dylib. By default for a new dynamic library project, the path was set to /usr/local/lib. Which I have changed to ./ - otool confirms that ./ is now where dyld is going to be looking for this specific dynamic module. Unfortunately ./ doesn't seem to actually refer to any directory in my application bundle :(

So, my questions (not answered in the other thread) now are: 1. How do I enter a meaningful relative path in the Target Info -> ... -> Installation Directory setting, and 2. How can I get XCode to automatically copy the dylib 'target' into the application bundle target's bundle folder at the relative location?


Chris Becke picture Chris Becke · Dec 2, 2009

At last. Found some official documentation. Its possible to do this entirely within XCode.

I was halfway there modifying the Installed Directory setting of the library: It needed to be: @executable_path/../Frameworks

Then I needed to add a "Copy Files" build step to the library to actually copy it to the Frameworks folder.

Simple. Automatic.