Top "Cocoa-bindings" questions

Cocoa bindings is Apple’s implementation of the Model-View-Controller design pattern for Mac OS X applications.

When should I remove observers? Error about deallocating objects before removing observers

I am trying to use key-value observing in one of my classes. I register the observers in the init method …

objective-c cocoa-bindings observer-pattern key-value-observing
"[something copyWithZone:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance" when using Bindings / Core Data

(self asking and self-answering because I spent hours on the web looking for this, and most of the resources all …

cocoa core-data cocoa-bindings nsmanagedobject
NSOutlineView and NSTreeController example

Please send me some links on how to use NSOutlineView with NSTreeController bindings without using core data.

objective-c cocoa-bindings nsoutlineview nstreecontroller
Example of how to implement a view-based source list (NSOutlineView) using Cocoa Bindings?

Has anybody found a clear, concise example or guide on how to implement a source list using the view-based NSOutlineView …

macos cocoa cocoa-bindings nsoutlineview
UITableViewCell error - this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key

I'm getting the following error when I try to load a custom UITableViewCell from a xib file via UINib's instantiateWithOwner …

iphone objective-c ios cocoa-touch cocoa-bindings
Can you manually implement Cocoa bindings?

I've had a crack at implementing bindings for my own NSView subclass. It works, but there are problems with retain …

objective-c cocoa cocoa-bindings
how to get NSPopUpButton selected object?

I'm having a student class: @interface student : NSObject{ NSString *name; NSDate *date; } and i have a NSMutableArray for list of …

objective-c cocoa nsmutablearray cocoa-bindings nspopupbutton
Cocoa bindings for the Go language

Is it possible to write macOS/Cocoa applications in Google Go? Is there a Go-Obj-C bridge? (it seems to me …

cocoa go cocoa-bindings scripting-bridge
Using predicates on an array controller to filter related objects

I have an application using Core Data and bindings. I want to have an NSSearchField that can search through an …

objective-c cocoa core-data cocoa-bindings
Binding a NSArrayController to a NSPopupButton & NSTextField

What I want to accomplish seems like it should be fairly straightforward. I have placed a sample project here. I …

macos cocoa cocoa-bindings nsarraycontroller