Top "Cmake" questions

CMake is a cross-platform, open-source build system generator.

How do I force cmake to include "-pthread" option during compilation?

I know there is something like find_package(Threads) but it doesn't seem to make a difference (at least by …

gcc build build-automation cmake
How to set linker flags for OpenMP in CMake's try_compile function

I would like to verify that the current compiler can build with openmp support. The application has do deploy across …

cmake openmp
Ninja not found by CMake

I'm trying to build some code I got from GitHub using CMake, but keep getting the followings errors: CMake Error: …

cmake ninja
Platform detection in CMake

I've added some functionality from boost::asio, which has precipitated some compiler "warnings": Please define _WIN32_WINNT or _WIN32_WINDOWS …

c++ cmake boost-asio
Cmake target_link_libraries not linking my library

I'll begin stating that I'm almost complete dumb in Cmake matter. I have the following CMakeLists.txt for a Kdevelop 4.1 …

c++ linux linker cmake kdevelop
Cmake vs make sample codes?

I was wondering if there was any sample code for Makefiles (make) and CMakeLists.txt (cmake) that both do the …

makefile cmake
How do I debug CMakeLists.txt files?

Is there a possibility to debug CMakeLists.txt files (at least listing of variables) except for the message statement?

How to use SDL2 and SDL_image with cmake

I'm looking for the simplest way to compile a c++ program using SDL2 and SDL_image with cmake. Here is …

c++ cmake sdl sdl-2 sdl-image
Does set_target_properties in CMake override CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS?

At the beginning of my CMake project, I'm setting general compilation flags in the variable CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, like set(…

c++ cmake compiler-flags
cmake - CMakeLists.txt is not in root folder (but is included in source)

I'm trying to compile a libpng library. The thing is that I need a specific version of this library - 1.2.37 …

c++ cmake libpng