Top "Clregion" questions

CLRegion is an iOS class for CoreLocation framework that holds the information used in shape based regions.

CoreLocation kCLErrorDomain error 5

I subclassed a CLRegion to support Polygons via overriding containsCoordinate: to use ray casting logic instead of the original distance …

objective-c cocoa-touch core-location clregion
How do you use CLRegion in iOS 7 since initCircularRegionWithCenter:radius:identifier: is deprecated?

Since the depreciation of initCircularRegionWithCenter:radius:identifier:, how would you define the region to be monitored using CLLocationManager?

ios7 cllocationmanager clregion
How can I disable any CLRegion objects registered with -startMonitoringForRegion?

I am using a NavigationController to display a list of geo-fences available to the user. At the top there is …

iphone ios core-location clregion
didEnterRegion works in foreground but not background or other VCs

If the app is running and the CLLocationManagerDelegate class is the foreground (i.e. visible) then the didEnterRegions triggers and …

ios cllocationmanager region-management clregion