Top "Cloudmade" questions

Cloudmade is a company which offers a variety of services relating to OpenStreetMap data, such as rendered maps and geographical APIs.

Min/max zoom level in OpenLayers

I'm using OpenLayers to display a map in a web page. I am using tiles from CloudMade, but the same …

javascript zoom openlayers openstreetmap cloudmade
Leaflet.js: Open all popup bubbles on page load

I'm trying to work out from the Leaflet.js docs how it would be possible to open more than one …

map cloudmade
Custom map style in MapKit

I am looking for a way to implement a custom map style in iOS 7, just like you can do with …

ios google-maps mapkit mapbox cloudmade
Multiple markers on the exact same position on a Leaflet map

We use leafletJS to show maps with round about 100 markers. Some of these markers are located on exact the same …

leaflet cloudmade
leafletjs setMaxBounds wont let zoom out to see whole world

I am using leaflet js to show a world map using cloudmade tiles. When I setMaxBounds to the map the …

map leaflet cloudmade