Top "Cloudera-cdh" questions

For questions specifically about Cloudera's Distribution of Apache Hadoop (CDH).

Is there any way to run impala shell with sql script with parameters?

Is there any way to run impala shell with SQL script with parameters? For example: impala-shell -f /home/john/sql/…

hadoop cloudera-cdh impala
Compare data in two RDD in spark

I am able to print data in two RDD with the below code. usersRDD.foreach(println) empRDD.foreach(println) I …

apache-spark scala-2.10 cloudera-cdh rdd
Could not find uri with key dfs.encryption.key.provider.uri to create a keyProvider in HDFS encryption for CDH 5.4

CDH Version: CDH5.4.5 Issue: When HDFS Encryption is enabled using KMS available in Hadoop CDH 5.4 , getting error while putting file …

hadoop encryption copy hdfs cloudera-cdh
Deleting files from HDFS does not free up disk space

After upgrading our small Cloudera Hadoop cluster to CDH 5, deleting files no longer frees up available storage space. Even though …

hadoop hdfs cloudera-cdh

In our YARN cluster which is 80% full, we are seeing some of the yarn nodemanager's are marked as UNHEALTHY. after …

hadoop distributed-computing cloudera yarn cloudera-cdh
How to change the version of Java that CDH uses

I currently have CDH 5 installed on CentOS 6.5 with java jdk1.7 and I am trying to get CDH to use jdk1.8. …

java hadoop cloudera-cdh
hadoop namenode port in use

This is actually a standby HA namenode. It was configured with the same settings as the primary and hdfs namenode …

hadoop high-availability cloudera-cdh standby
Is it possible to concat a string field after group by in Hive

I am evaluating Hive and need to do some string field concatenation after group by. I found a function named "…

hive cloudera-cdh