Top "Clob" questions

Character Large Object - data type used in Oracle and IBM DB2 RDBMSes to store strings of character longer than 4000 bytes.

check if clob contains string oracle

currently i have query with this code to_char(CLOB_COLUM) like %s but the following wont work for very …

sql oracle clob
concatenate CLOB data in oracle

I need to concatenate various CLOB data into a single CLOB field. I have a database with various rows, each …

oracle clob
insert string which includes quotes in oracle

How can I insert string which includes quotes in oracle? my code is INSERT INTO TIZ_VADF_TL_MODELS (name) …

sql string oracle sql-insert clob
PostgreSQL Clob datatype

PostgreSQL supports both clob and text data types for storing large texts. I've used clob data type as we are …

database postgresql types clob
Converting from String to Clob using setString() not working

I am trying to convert a String into a Clob to store in a database. I have the following code: …

java jdbc derby clob
Oracle SQL Select where clob field is not empty/null

I am trying to get rows from an archive database for populating a test environment DB. I need rows where …

sql oracle10g clob
Issues calling stored procedure from C# with large CLOB

I'm not the first to have these issues, and will list some reference posts below, but am still looking for …

c# oracle stored-procedures clob
Performance of SUBSTR on CLOB

I have a PL/SQL procedure that does a lot of SUBSTRs on a VARCHAR2 parameter. I would like to …

sql oracle plsql oracle11g clob
How to change a dataype CLOB TO VARCHAR2(sql)

Table: customers ID NAME DATATYPE NUMBER VARCHAR2(100) CLOB I want to change the DATA column from CLOB to `VARCHAR2(1000) I …

sql oracle ddl clob varchar2
Create CLOB from long string using JDBC

I have the following query: select id from table1 where some_func(?) = 1; where some_func is a function which allows …

java oracle jdbc clob