Character Large Object - data type used in Oracle and IBM DB2 RDBMSes to store strings of character longer than 4000 bytes.
I have a table in Oracle database with field with data type CLOB. The name of field is XMLString. I …
oracle clobI am attempting to read a blob message and display it as a variable in one of my procedures, but …
sql oracle stored-procedures blob clobI have a table with one column of CLOB type data, they are all very short no more than 20 bytes, …
sql-server database tsql clobThe naïve FOO = empty_clob() complains about incompatible types. I tried Googling, but (once again) had little success searching …
oracle clobI have a DB2 (9.5.1) table which is defined as follows: CREATE TABLE MY_TABLE ( ID INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, TEXT …
db2 varchar clobI am using Oracle SQL Developer and trying to export a table to a CSV file. Some of the fields …
sql oracle clob oracle-sqldeveloper