Top "Chrome-web-driver" questions

WebDriver is an open source tool for automated testing of webapps across many browsers.

Official locator strategies for the webdriver

In the official W3c webdirver documentation, it's clearly stated that the location strategies are: State Keyword CSS selector "css …

javascript google-chrome selenium chromium chrome-web-driver
Error "cannot find Chrome binary" in windows 8 AMD64 while trying to launch selenium web-driver API

I'm currently working with Chrome extension of selenium web-driver in windows 8 AMD64. I got an issue launching Chrome; It gives …

google-chrome selenium windows-8 windows-8.1 chrome-web-driver
selenium python element.screenshot() not working

from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Chrome() browser.get("") browser.find_element_by_id('su').screenshot(…

python selenium screenshot chrome-web-driver
gulp-protractor error with chrome v54 / web driver v2.25

Due to the latest update of chrome (v54) we've noticed our protractor tests failing. We attempted to update to the …

google-chrome gulp protractor chrome-web-driver gulp-protractor
How to get anchor tag href and anchor tag text inside a div using Selenium in Java

My HTML code consists of multiple divs. Inside each div is a list of anchor tags. I need to fetch …

java selenium selenium-webdriver chrome-web-driver