I'm trying to automate the developer setup on a project, such that a new developer can simply issue vagrant up
to get a VM with MySQL and Tomcat with a custom war-file deployed up and running. The deployed-war assumes that a particular database and user are present on the MySQL instance.
Now, I'm using chef-solo, and everything is booting up and installing correctly. However, I can't seem to figure out how to write a cookbook for setting up the database and the user. I've looked into the database
cookbook, but that does not seem to fit my use case with chef-solo. I've been unable to find an example setup online that sets up a database for a chef-solo instance, but maybe I'm searching for the wrong terms?
I could write a bash script for setting up the database and user (conditional on them not existing), but that does not seem to fit into the cookbook philosophy. How would you solve this problem?
Yeah you can do it the Chef way just like this with the database
include_recipe "database::mysql"
# create a mysql database
mysql_database 'sonar' do
connection ({:host => "localhost", :username => 'root', :password => node['mysql']['server_root_password']})
action :create
more about this cookbook can be found here: http://community.opscode.com/cookbooks/database