I use Vagrant to spawn a standard "precise32" box and provision it with Chef so I can test my Node.js code on Linux when I work on a Windows machine. This works fine.
I also have this bash command so it auto installs my npm modules:
bash "install npm modules" do
code <<-EOH
su -l vagrant -c "cd /vagrant && npm install"
This also works fine except that I never see the console output if it completes successfully. But I'd like to see it so we can visually monitor what is going on. This is not specific to npm.
I see this similar question with no concrete answers: Vagrant - how to print Chef's command output to stdout?
I tried specifying flags but I'm a terrible linux/ruby n00b and create either errors or no output at all, so please edit my snippet with an example of your solution.
I try to use logging when possible, but I've found that in some scenarios seeing the output is important. Here's the short version of the way I do it. Substituting the execute resource for the bash resource also works fine. Both standard error and standard output go into the file.
results = "/tmp/output.txt"
file results do
action :delete
cmd = "ls /"
bash cmd do
code <<-EOH
#{cmd} &> #{results}
ruby_block "Results" do
only_if { ::File.exists?(results) }
block do
print "\n"
File.open(results).each do |line|
print line