Top "Checkboxfor" questions

Proper usage of .net MVC Html.CheckBoxFor

All I want to know is the proper syntax for the Html.CheckBoxFor HTML helper in ASP.NET MVC. What … checkboxfor MVC CheckBoxFor casting error

I have a EF entity that is tied to a SQL table that contains a bit field called "Active". I … checkboxfor
Asp .net mvc 3 CheckBoxFor method outputs hidden field, that hidden field value is false when checkbox is disabled with selected true

CheckBoxFor(t => t.boolValue, new { disabled="disabled" }) method to render a checkbox, in disabled mode. The method renders a … checkboxfor
MVC3 - Viewmodel with list of complex types

Apologies if this has been asked before; there are a million ways to phrase it so searching for an answer … viewmodel model-binding checkboxfor
How to have ASP.Net MVC 3.0 Checkboxfor as checked by default?

I want mt view to have the check box checked by default, I tried something like this. @Html.CheckBoxFor(model=&… checkboxfor
ASP.Net MVC List of Checkboxes

I am passing a model to a view, which containt a List of items. A DefaultCategories has an id (int), … checkboxfor
Setting html attribute that is reserved keyword in Html.CheckBoxFor in ASP.NET MVC

I am using the HtmlHelper to create a checkbox in my view like so: <%= Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.…

c# checkboxfor
Problems with .net mvc 4 razor Html.checkboxfor

I'm having two issues with the above subject line on its use. I have two strongly typed models that I … entity-framework checkboxfor
Save changes on CheckBox change?

I have an MVC Index page that reflects a table in the DB. One of the columns is a boolean. … checkbox submit actionlink checkboxfor
razor editorfor checkbox event binding

I cant bind event to @html.editorfor I've heard it might be connected to presence of "class" attribute but I …

javascript jquery razor checkboxfor