Top "Checkbox" questions

A checkbox is a graphical user interface element that permits the user to make a binary selection.

TreeView Remove CheckBox by some Nodes

I want remove CheckBoxes where the Node.Type is 5 or 6. I use this code: private void TvOne_DrawNode(object sender, …

c# winforms checkbox treeview ownerdrawn
Remove a listener from a view in android

Is there any way to remove a Listener from a View in android? I have a Checkbox that I attached …

android view checkbox listener
Multiple checkboxes in CakePHP - how to set which are checked?

I have multiple checkboxes in CakePHP's Add/Edit view, created with: echo $this->Form->input('email_warning_chb', …

cakephp cakephp-2.0 checkbox
How to make a control in XAML public in order to be seen in other classes

I'm working in wpf application i made a checkbox in the XAML, then my code calls a function in a …

c# wpf xaml checkbox kinect
jQuery checkbox values to comma separated list

I have several checkboxes with a name array and I want the output of the checked boxes to be a …

jquery arrays list checkbox comma
jQuery difference between change and click event of checkbox

As title suggests I want to know the difference between the change and click event of checkbox (in jQuery) I …

javascript jquery checkbox onchange
CSS checkboxes & radio buttons when input is inside label?

I've searched extensively on here for an answer to this but haven't quite come across what I'm looking for. Found …

css input checkbox radio-button label
Use custom id for check_box_tag in Rails

How do you set a custom id when using a check_box_tag helper in rails? I have a loop …

ruby-on-rails checkbox form-helpers
Custom pictures for checkbox?

I would like to show checkbox as toggle button. But I can't apply my custom pictures to it with CCS …

html css checkbox custom-controls
Checkbox value is always 'on'

this is my checkbox HTML <label class="checkbox"> <input id="eu_want_team" name="eu_want_team" …

javascript jquery html dom checkbox