Top "Check-digit" questions

It is a single digit computed from the other digits in the message.

How can I calculate an IBAN national check digit?

Following Wikipedia, I’m developing a Java application that calculates and verifies IBANs from various countries. Some BBAN have a …

java check-digit iban
Generating Luhn Checksums

There are lots of implementations for validating Luhn checksums but very few for generating them. I've come across this one …

php algorithm checksum check-digit luhn
How to calculate a FedEx Smartpost tracking number' check digit

FedEx Ground's tracking numbers have different digits: 12, 15, 20, 22. 12-digits tracking numbers use mod 11 algorithm. Others use mod 10 algorithm. But recently I …

fedex check-digit
Get check digit (Mod 11) implementation in c#

Can anyone give me the code in C#... for getting the Verification Digit with Mod11? Thanks. public class Mod11 { public …

c# algorithm check-digit
How to generate a CUSIP check digit

CUSIPs are a 9-digit alphanumeric code for uniquely identifying a financial security. They were …

java c# algorithm finance check-digit
API in Java or C++ to read MRZ Travel Document(passport) code

I am looking around for an API in java or c++ to read the MRZ and decode the MRZ code …

java c++ machine-learning check-digit
mod 11 check digit with regex

Is it possible to create a mod 11 check digit routine with a regex statement? THe nubmer is a 10 digit number, …

regex check-digit
Python3 check digit algorithm

I'm learning to wrap my head around programming and have been given the following task: The ISBN (International Standard Book …

python python-3.x algorithm check-digit